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Does VJ Books carry books that use tipped-in pages or directly signed books?

John V. asks:

Virginia, I seem to recall that VJ did tip-in pages for signed books.
Are you still doing this or are your books author signed?


John Hutchinson replies:

Hello John.

We have a mix - the signed books we receive from publishers are all tip-ins (as are most signed books offered by big box stores). We have a mix of each in our other inventory.

Some publishers have created special signing pages (tip-ins) and others have simply reprinted the title page, had the author sign them, and then replace the title page in the book. It's really hard to tell with them.

Due to COVID most authors stopped touring, so we can no longer expect them to come by to sign for us. Where we can we send the books, but most authors are unwilling to unpack, sign and then return boxes of books. For them we do tip-ins.

I regret to say that the tip-in is firmly planted in the future of collecting signed books. It is easier for the author and the publisher. It will increase the number of signed books available. Books signed on the title page will remain the collector's preference (like me), but that type of signed book will command a higher price in the future.

Due to the size of our inventory, and because we have different types of signed books for the same title, we cannot differentiate our inventory listings. We do, however, honor customer requests to only provide books on the title page. Just have customer service flag you account "TPO" (title page only) and we will do our best.

I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it is the way the world is turning.

All the best.


Ask John at: [email protected]

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